O Instituto de Ciências Matemáticas e de Computação (ICMC), da USP São Carlos, recebe inscrições para o minicurso User Experience Design for TV Apps, a ser ministrado por Konstantinos Chorianopoulos, da Ionian University, na Grécia.
O minicurso ocorrerá no período de 23 a 26 de outubro, nos horários abaixo, na sala 2-301, localizada no terceiro piso da Biblioteca Achille Bassi.
- terça-feira (23), das 15h às 18h
- quarta-feira (24), das 15h às 18h
- sexta-feira (26), das 10h às 12h
As inscrições são gratuitas podem ser feitas por meio de formulário eletrônico até sexta-feira, 19 de outubro. São 15 vagas e será obedecida a ordem de chegada.
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Prof. Chorianopoulos (foto: site pessoal) |
Chorianopoulos desenvolve suas pesquisas nas áreas de HCI e Televisão Interativa no Departamento de Informática da Ionian University, em Corfu, na Grécia. Ele é graduado em Engenharia Eletrônica e de Computação, possui mestrado em Comunicação e Marketing e doutorado em HCI (Human-Computer Interaction). Trabalhou em diversos laboratórios na Grécia, Reino Unido, Alemanha e Noruega. Atua também nas áreas de multimídia, e-commerce, sistemas inteligentes, engenharia de software e design de interação.
Mais informações na Seção de Eventos do ICMC, pelo telefone (16) 3373-9146 ou e-mail eventos@icmc.usp.br.
Confira o programa do minicurso e bibliografia (em inglês):
In Human-Computer Interaction (HCI), the generic user-centric approach includes the following activities: 1) user study, 2) prototyping, and 3) evaluation. These activities are highly iterative. There is an extensive body of previous research in user-centric methods and techniques for personal computers and Internet applications, but there is limited research about TV Apps. This course investigates the question: ‘How does the generic notion of ‘user-centric’ translate into specific actions for interactive TV (ITV) user interface (UI) analysis, design, and evaluation?’ Interactive Television (ITV) applications gratify entertainment needs and leisure activities in a relaxed domestic context. Then, the mentality of efficiency and task completion implied by many user interface heuristics may not be suitable for the understanding, design, and evaluation of ITV. In line with the contemporary movement towards the design of the user experience of computing systems, a set of guidelines for ITV applications is presented. Instead of information technology, the field of communication science was explored, which has accumulated an extensive theory of TV usage and viewer behavior.
1. Konstantinos Chorianopoulos, Ioannis Leftheriotis, and Chryssoula Gkonela. 2011. SocialSkip: pragmatic understanding within web video. In Proceddings of EuroITV '11, pages 25-28.
2. Marc Davis. 1995. Media Streams: an iconic visual language for video representation. In Human-computer interaction, Ronald M. Baecker et al. (Eds.). Morgan Kaufmann Publishers Inc., San Francisco, CA, USA
3. Girgensohn, A. Boreczky, J., Wilcox, L, (2001). Keyframe-based user interfaces for digital video, Computer, 34(9):61–67
4. F.C. Li, A. Gupta, E. Sanocki, L.-wei He, and Y. Rui, “Browsing digital video,” Proceedings CHI ’00, vol. 2, 2000, pp. 169-176.
5. Peng, W.-T., Chu, W.-T., Chang, C.-H., Chou, C.-N., Huang, W.-J., Chang, W.-Y., and Hung, Y.-P. (2011). Editing by viewing: Automatic home video summarization by viewing behavior analysis. Multimedia, IEEE Transactions on, 13(3):539-550.
6. David A. Shamma, Lyndon Kennedy, and Elizabeth F. Churchill. 2009. Tweet the debates: understanding community annotation of uncollected sources. In Proceedings of WSM '09. ACM, 3-10.
7. Ryan Shaw and Marc Davis. 2005. Toward emergent representations for video. In Proceedings of MULTIMEDIA '05, 431-434.
8. Bin Yu, Wei-Ying Ma, Klara Nahrstedt, and Hong-Jiang Zhang. 2003. Video summarization based on user log enhanced link analysis. In Proceedings MULTIMEDIA '03. ACM, 382-391.